As mission leader, Pastor and Bible Teacher, Egon Davidsen has contributed to many congregations being planted in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Africa. He has had a central role in missions that have reached out with the word of God and humanitarian aid to many countries in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.

Maryann has been a worship leader and taught and trained worship singers for a number of years. During her time in Africa, she started a choir with 100 singers. They have also traveled to India, the Philippines, Dubai etc., where they have participated in large campaigns with up to 300,000.
In 2005, they moved home to Norway, specifically Fredrikstad, where they helped build ZoĆ© Church’s Bible School. In 2010, they moved closer to Oslo and got involved in work with part-time Bible school and praise parties in Bredtvet church. They have worked at Troens Bevis Bible and Mission Institute, which is affiliated with Jesus Church in Oslo, after it moved from Sarons Dal, and in 2011 they started a site church in Kolbotn for Jesus Church.
Today they are engaged in congregational work in Follo, with a vision for the whole of Follo and south Oslo. They started Familiekirken in Follo in 2013 ( They have started part-time Bible schools in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and help evangelists, school children and orphanages get help, both financially and with God’s word through Restoration’s work.
Maryann and Egon Davidsen have been married for over 30 years and have two daughters, a son, a son-in-law and three grandchildren.
They have attended Lifets Ord’s Bible school in Sweden for two years. In 1984 they went out as missionaries, first to Denmark, where they worked with television work, congregation, Bible school and mission for more than 15 years.

Our Mission
Our mission is to preach and teach the Word of God to every nation, tribe, language and people those who live on the earth.
Our Vision
Our vision is to educate each and every believer to be established in the Word of God and equipping them to spread the Gospel wherever they are.