Restoration Bible School Graduations

By God’s grace, it was another vision-fulfilled year for the Restoration School of Ministries (RSOM) in India. This time around 470 students from the states of Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have graduated after successfully completing the course.
Gospel Meeting in Andhra Pradesh
There was a gospel meeting in Andhra, organised by Restoration. More than 200 people attended. Dr. Thomas George delivered the gospel message as the Holy Spirit moved powerfully. Bro. Arul Raj shared his life-changing testimony with the Word.
Testimonies from Restoration Students!
I am the gifted child from God because of this opportunity it was very important thing in my life. l learnt many things for my personal life, it’s was very nice experience for me and also l experienced very close relationship with Jesus Christ this was very helpful for me…. Thank you for conducted this Bible school. Once again thank you very much

RSOM helps me find my calling. I have been listening from people that the Christianity is not true. But from the time when I accepted Christ and joined this school my questions getting clear.
It really helped me to get clear understanding.
I’m so thankful to RSOM and our teachers who helping me to know about true relationship with God.

I’m so grateful and blessed as I learnt the word of God more deeply by RSOM. By studying this made me closer to God and developed a spiritual relationship with God. Now I can share about the Bible more clearly to those who don’t know about the God. It helped me grow up in the right and spiritual way that Bible teaches. It’ all because of Restoration Bible School. Thank you

Preethi Jency
I am really grateful to Restoration Bible School. In Punjab, there are no such Bible schools nearby.
I prayed to God about my desire to attend a Bible school, and He granted my prayer. And then my church created RSOM Bible School, so I didn’t have to travel far to attend Bible school. All praise goes to God alone!

I am a Student of Restoration School. I did not know much about the Holy Bible. Through this course I learned about the Holy Bible, and the NT books. and the different parts of the book of the New Testament. I did not read the Bible regularly before. Now I am reading the Bible regularly. Learning about the Lord Jesus through reading the Bible, Thanks to Restoration School.

Jibon Chichim
When I joined RSOM I came here just to know what Christianity is ?
Time to time I come to know that Christianity is more than what I have heard and more than a religion.
I had questions about the holy spirit. And I’m happy that not just I learn about it but also received the power of Holy spirit

Alvin John
Praise the Lord! I feel extremely delighted to be given the opportunity to attend Restoration Bible School. The teaching about the Holy Spirit made clear and easy to understand! My spiritual relationship with God has improved a lot. God spoke to me, even though I was in a troubled and distressed state… But, I believe that for God all things are possible! Thank you.

This Bible School has strengthened my relationship with Lord. It was a very big desire of mine to study in a Bible School, the Lord has been gracious and fulfilled my desire. They taught everything so well and it was easy to understand. Thanks be to God for His amazing grace! There are many needy people around me and now, I can confidently share the gospel to them!

Praise The Lord! This Restoration Bible school has been extremely useful, the teachings were simple and easy to understand. The letters written by Paul were also really helpful!
It renewed my spirit and I got revelation from the scriptures! And received special anointing during the convocation.
Thank You.

I had a desire for a long time to study in a bible school. Our Lord fulfilled my heart’s desire through Restoration Bible School. They taught me everything in a very simple manner to understand. Thank you so much RSOM team for not only helping me to learn, but also choosing to help me grow more in God. This Bible study was extremely helpful, Glory be to the name of the Lord.

Praise be to God, I’m here to share short testimony about how this bible school is useful in my life .
I learned many deepest knowledge of the bible scripture and it’s daily teach many thinks in my life and it is very useful in my holistic life .
God only gives this knowledge to learn this bible class

Before I came to the Restoration School I did not pray regularly and also didn’t know what prayer meant. I learned what prayer is, the importance of prayer. God’s answer through studying prayer books and attending classes Restoration School and I am applying it to my life. Now I pray regularly and able to encourage my family to pray regularly. Thanks to the RSOM.

Salomi Kujur
Praise the Lord.
I am extremely happy to be given the chance to study the Bible and improve my relationship with God! I thank the Almighty for being my mentor.
My heartfelt wishes to Restoration School of Ministries and thanks to my Pastor as well!